The Sri Dalada Maligawa.

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The Sri Dalada Maligawa is iconic location of Sri Lankan history and it’s Buddhist temple located in Kandy, Sri Lanka. And also it known as the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic. Also it is one of the most sacred Buddhist shrines in the world. Buddhists consider the Sri Dalada Maligawa as an important pilgrimage site and a symbol of Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage.Further UNESCO has announced Sri Dalada Maligawa as world Heritage Site and it attracts thousands of tourist from around the world each year. Sri Dalada Maligawa is important place to witness ancient Sri Lankan architecture, and carvings. It also has museum, shrines, and a palace, and great spot for tourists and devotees.

History of the Sri Dalada Maligawa.

It is a temple in Kandy, Sri Lanka. It’s important for Buddhists as it holds a tooth relic of the Buddha. It was first built in 1595 and expanded by kings over time. The Portuguese captured the temple but returned it. They also renovated it in the 18th century and again in 2016. Local people stopped the British from taking relics in the 19th century.

The architecture of the Sri Dalada Maligawa.

Sri Dalada Maligawa is consist with the main temple where the tooth relic is kept. The main temple and Vatadage is rich with traditional Kandyan architecture. It has four entrances, guard with stones, a moat, and covered with a high wall. The main entrance of Dalada MAligawa is runs through a large stairway. And has intricate carvings, sculptures, and gold leaf. It also has the Patthirippuwa, an 18th-century octagon with a view of the complex and city. The complex also includes shrines, museums, and places for rituals and ceremonies.

Significance of the Sri Dalada Maligawa.
It is a sacred Buddhist temple with great religious and cultural significance. Further It’s a symbol of national Pride and identity, and Theravada Buddhism is a main pilgrimage. The temple complex also consist with shrines, museums, and libraries that protect and promote Theravada Buddhist culture and tradition. The temple holds a tooth relic of the Buddha, considered as a physical representation and very sacred.

The Sacred Tooth Relic.

The prince and princess declared that Sri Dalada Maligawa’s tooth relic is sacred to Buddhism and believed to be Buddha’s tooth, possessing special powers and serving as an object of devotion for Buddhists. Locals and caretakers safeguard the relic throughout the temple’s history, and many rituals and ceremonies, such as the Esala Perahera festival, where the relic parade on an elephant, take place at the temple. Temple also has special events like Kandy Perehera and Dalada Ashtami, with parades, rituals, and gifts offerings to the relic


Sri Dalada Maligawa is a temple in Kandy, Sri Lanka, holding a sacred tooth relic of the Buddha. The temple is very old, dating back to the 4th century AD, and was expanded and renovated by kings. It’s an architectural masterpiece showcasing traditional Kandyan architecture with intricate carvings, sculptures, and notable architectural elements. Buddhists consider the tooth relic in the temple one of the most sacred and believe it has special powers and grants blessings. Many rituals and ceremonies take place throughout the year, the most famous being the Esala Perahera.

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