Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy: A Sacred Temple of Tranquility

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Welcome to the enchanting world of Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy, a revered temple nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Sri Lanka. This remarkable temple holds profound historical and cultural significance, attracting visitors from all corners of the globe. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the captivating history, architectural marvels, spiritual essence, and visitor experience of Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy.

Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy: A Glimpse into the Past

The Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy, often referred to as the Lankathilake Temple, dates back to the 14th century, during the reign of King Bhuvanekabahu IV. It stands as a testament to the rich heritage and artistic brilliance of the ancient Kingdom of Gampola. The temple was constructed under the guidance of renowned architect Sthapati Rayar, known for his impeccable craftsmanship.

Architectural Marvels: Exploring the Temple’s Splendor
Lankathilake Viharaya: Awe-Inspiring Beauty

At the heart of the Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy lies the magnificent Lankathilake Viharaya, an architectural marvel adorned with intricate carvings and murals. It showcases a unique blend of South Indian, Sinhalese, and Dravidian architectural styles, making it a captivating sight for visitors.

Did you know? The Lankathilake Viharaya is built on a rock, giving it a majestic aura and adding to its grandeur.

Lankathilake Viharaya Image House: An Abode of Sacred Statues

The Image House within the temple complex houses a splendid collection of ancient statues, each holding immense spiritual significance. The statues depict various deities and celestial beings, leaving visitors in awe of their divine beauty.
42 feet standing statue of Lord Buddha in the Image House is believed to be one of the largest Buddha statues in Sri Lanka.

The Sinhalese Artistry: A Feast for the Eyes

As you explore the Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy, you will be mesmerized by the exquisite Sinhalese artistry adorning the temple walls. Intricate carvings, colorful frescoes, and detailed woodwork narrate stories from ancient scriptures, offering a visual treat for art enthusiasts and history buffs.

Quick Tip: Take a moment to appreciate the intricate craftsmanship and attention to detail displayed in the temple’s artwork.

The Spiritual Essence: Finding Inner Harmony

Visiting Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy is not merely a visual spectacle; it is a spiritual journey that offers solace to the soul. The temple exudes an aura of tranquility and offers a serene atmosphere for meditation and introspection.

The devotees and pilgrims who visit the temple immerse themselves in prayer, seeking blessings and enlightenment. The rhythmic chants and the fragrance of incense create an ambiance that instills a sense of peace and inner harmony.

Visitor Experience: A Journey of Exploration

Exploring the Temple Grounds

Upon entering the Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy, visitors are greeted by the lush greenery and a serene ambiance that sets the tone for an unforgettable experience. The sprawling temple grounds provide ample space for exploration and contemplation.

Insider Tip: Take a leisurely stroll around the temple complex to fully immerse yourself in the tranquil surroundings and appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds the Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy.

Participating in Religious Ceremonies

To truly embrace the spiritual essence of the temple, visitors have the opportunity to participate in various religious ceremonies and rituals. From offering floral tributes to lighting oil lamps, these rituals provide a deeper connection to the ancient traditions and beliefs upheld at Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy.

Did you know? The temple hosts vibrant cultural festivals during auspicious times, showcasing traditional music, dance performances, and elaborate processions.

Seek Blessings and Guidance

Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy is not just a place of historical significance; it is also a haven for those seeking blessings and guidance. The resident monks are revered for their wisdom and compassion, offering spiritual guidance and conducting religious ceremonies.

Quick Tip: Take a moment to interact with the resident monks, who can share profound insights into Buddhism and the temple’s heritage.

Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy: Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy?
Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy dates back to the 14th century, making it over 600 years old.

Is the temple open to visitors of all religions?
Yes, Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy welcomes visitors of all religions who wish to explore its historical and spiritual significance.

Are there any dress code requirements for visiting the temple?
Visitors are advised to dress modestly and respectfully when visiting the temple, covering their shoulders and legs.

Can photography be done inside the temple?
Photography is generally allowed within the temple premises, but it is important to be mindful and respectful of the religious ceremonies and the privacy of other visitors.

Are there any nearby attractions to visit in Kandy?
Yes, Kandy is a city filled with attractions. The Temple of the Tooth Relic, Royal Botanical Gardens, and Udawatta Kele Sanctuary are just a few of the many places worth exploring.

How can I reach Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy?
Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy is located in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Visitors can easily reach the temple by private vehicle, taxi, or tuk-tuk.


Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy stands as a symbol of cultural heritage, architectural brilliance, and spiritual enlightenment. From its awe inspiring beauty to its serene ambiance, the temple offers a truly transformative experience to visitors from all walks of life. Whether you seek solace, cultural enrichment, or a deeper understanding of Buddhism, a visit to Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy is sure to leave a lasting impression.

So, pack your bags, embark on a journey of exploration, and uncover the secrets and wonders that await you at Sri Lankathilake Rajamaha Viharaya Kandy.

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