Kandyan Dance – Sri Lanka

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Kandyan dance enclose variety dance forms popular. It’s native to the Kandy City the Central hills region also known as Udarata in Sri Lanka. However nowadays Kandyan dance has spread to other parts of the country. Kandyan Dance is Significant act of the Dalada perahera held every year at the Temple of the Tooth Kandy. Also it is cultural dance of Sri Lanka. It has variety of Ves Dance,Vannam, Pahatharata Dance, Naiyandi Dance, Udarata Dance and Weeramunda Kankariya. Today the fully costumed ves dancer or Kandyan dancer is highlights of the culture of Sri Lanka.


According to history, there was the three shamans are came to the Ceylon as a result of a trick of the god Śakra in order to cure the king Panduwasdev, who was suffering from a mysterious illness. The king was said to be suffering from a recurring dream in which a leopard was directing its tongue towards the king, believed to be as a black magic of Kuweni, the first wife of the king Vijaya. After the performance of the Kohomba kankariya the illness vanished, and many of the natives are adopted the dance. End of the 19th century ves dancers were first invited to perform the Kankariya at the annual Kandy Perahera festival.

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