Explore & Watching Turtles in Sri Lanka

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Sea turtles are unique among hundreds of water animals. These are oceanic reptiles. They breathe air oxygen yet dwell in the water. Oceanographers employ seven turtles species. Sri Lanka is an Asian island with rich oceans. This island contains many turtles. Watching Turtle are famous activity among Travelers. The Sri Lankan seashore is home to five of the seven species.

  • The Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas),
  • Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea),
  • Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata),
  • Loggerhead (Caretta caretta),
  • Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea)

They are innocent sea animals in threatened. Turtles are slaughter for their meat and shells, injured by nature, eaten by humans and other predators, etc. Harassment endangers tortoises.

Mt. Kosgoda, Tangalla, Rekawa, Bundala, and the eastern shore are turtle breeding places. The Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Department and other organizations have protected turtle eggs. Do. They prioritize turtle conservation centers. Sri Lanka has numerous turtle conservation facilities.

Good results from Turtle Conservation Centers

Rescuing the turtles

Fishing activities often affect turtles. Sometimes they get entangled in fishing nets and become endangered. Rescue organizations take them to conservation facilities for temporary care. After receiving care, rescued turtles are returned into the water.

Turtle Eggs.

Turtle eggs are eggs that must be strictly protected due to the activities of humans as well as predators. Wildlife authorities in Sri Lanka monitor turtle egg sites and maintain egg temperature to prevent them.

Baby Turtles.

The turtle hatchling that came out of the eggs are small and very weak. They constantly become easy prey for predators. At conservation centers’ turtle breeding areas, these turtles care for hatchling until they can defend themselves.

Places For Turtle Watching in Sri Lanka

Turtle Watching is fund and wonderful thing you can do while you visit Sri Lanka, there few main places where you can watch Turtles in Sri Lanka.

  • Hikkaduwa – Hikkaduwa is best beach destination to visit in Sri Lanka, it’s famous for diving, surfing as well as turtle watching, Many visitors are visit to Hikkaduwa to watch turtles
  • Rekawa Sri Lanka – One of the best destination to watch the turtle, but you can found turtle there only in limited season. Rekawa has special turtle watch program and experiment center
  • Induruwa – This also best location to watch turtle, but only thing was you can find turtle there only occasionally.
  • Beruwela – If you looking for another best location to watch Turtle, Beruwala is best beach for it.
  • Kosgoda – Also another best location to watch Turtles in Sri Lanka. this is Sri Lanka another best beach location.

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