Do Foreign Travelers Need a Visa for visit Sri Lanka?

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Yes, every foreign traveler needs obtain some kind of visa to travel Sri Lanka. There are few methods to apply visa to Sri Lanka such as ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) , on arrival at the Airport or apply through the Embassy

Types of Sri Lankan Visa

There are few type of visa category available to apply as per match the requirement.

  • Visit/Tourist Visa: Mainly issue for tourism, short term visit and business visit. these visa issued for short term and not valid for work within Sri Lanka
  • Transit Visa: This visa is issued for foreign nationals for the maximum period of 2 days, until their waiting period to travel next destination.

Residence Visa. Resident Visa consist with few sub visa categories which is includes

  • Work Visa – for foreign nationals who has valid work permit in Sri Lankan Company.
  • Family Visa – this visa issued for the dependent children and spouse of the family in Sri Lankan resident.
  • Student Visa – this visa issued for foreign students who are enroll into education program in Sri Lankan Educational Institutes.
  • Investor Visa – Visa issued for foreign investors
  • Religious Visa – this visa issued for foreign nationals who are traveling for religious activities.
  • Retirement Visa – Visa issued for foreign nationals who looking to spent their retirement in Sri Lanka
  • Digital Nomad Visa – This visa type is issued for foreign national freelancers, who are expecting to want to work remotely from Sri Lanka. (this visa type not yet fully implemented, but digital nomad can apply for 30 days ETA and can apply for extension maximum up to 270 days.

What are the Methods of Submitting a Sri Lanka Visa Application

Depending on your country there are three main ways to apply for visa to Sri Lanka.

On Arrival: this is limited to citizens few countries and issued free of charge.

Through the Embassy

Through the immigration official website (

Validity period of Sri Lankan Visa

ETA visa is valid for 30 days and there is option extend up to 6 months

Embassy Visa initially valid for 3 months

Transit visa is valid only for 2 days.

Extension process of Sri Lankan Visa

It’s required to submit request to Department of Immigration in Sri Lanka to extend the visa prior to the current visa expired. and maximum extension period is 6 months and there should be valid reason to extend.

Document required for Visa Extend

  • Valid Passport for another six months
  • Proof to cover financial expense during the period.
  • A recently taken, passport-size colored picture (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm)
  • Proof of leaving after extension expire (a flight ticket)
  • Valid reason with supporting documents to extend the visa.

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